[Bro] smb_mapping log add new field from conn.log

Seth Hall seth at corelight.com
Fri Nov 3 05:09:04 PDT 2017

You have several problems that I'm seeing but I haven't actually your 
script to see if there are more.

On 3 Nov 2017, at 5:59, ps sunu wrote:

>    redef record SMB::TreeInfo +=      {
>     proto: transport_proto &optional &log;
>      resp_ip_bytes: count &optional &log;
>  };

You added these fields to the SMB::TreeInfo record (just keep that in 

> event Conn::log_conn (rec: Conn::Info)
> {
> if(rec?$resp_ip_bytes) {
> conn_resp_ip_bytes[rec$id$orig_h] = rec$resp_ip_bytes;
> }
> if(rec?$proto) {
> conn_name_proto[rec$id$orig_h] = rec$proto;
> }
> }

This whole section is only run when a conn log entry is being written so 
if everything only happens over a single connection you won't see your 
tables have any data since nothing will be written until the connection 

> event file_over_new_connection(f:fa_file; c: connection, is_orig: 
> bool)
> &priority=10
> {
>  if ( c$id$orig_h in TrackSMB::conn_resp_ip_bytes )
>      f$info$resp_ip_bytes = TrackSMB::conn_resp_ip_bytes[c$id$orig_h];

You put those fields into the SMB::TreeInfo record, but f$info is the 
Files::Info record.

>     c$smb$proto = TrackSMB::conn_name_proto[c$id$orig_h];
>     if ( c$id$resp_h in TrackSMB::conn_name_proto )
>     f$info$proto = TrackSMB::conn_name_proto[c$id$resp_h];

You are jumping around a bit here, you added the proto field to 
SMB::TreeInfo, but c$smb doesn't even exist.  To access the 
SMB::TreeInfo record, it should be c$smb_state$current_tree


Seth Hall * Corelight, Inc * www.corelight.com

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