[Bro] Warning of "did not find requested field indicator" from intelligence data file

wangdj at ffcs.cn wangdj at ffcs.cn
Mon Aug 27 01:10:50 PDT 2018


According to instruction of intelligence framework, i wrote a intelligence framework text file myintel.txt which content is:

#fields indicator       indicator_type  meta.source     meta.desc       meta.url Intel::ADDR     baidu  use baidu search  -

Very simple.  I also wrote a simple bro script file mytest.bro which content is:

@load policy/frameworks/intel/seen
@load policy/frameworks/intel/do_notice
redef Intel::read_files += { "./myintel.txt" };

when i run this script with command "./bro -i eth3 mytest" on a shell terminal and run "ping"  command on another shell terminal, i  got the following warning and :
warning: ./myintel.txt/Input::READER_ASCII: Did not find requested field indicator in input data file ./myintel.txt.

It seems that there is no error with the myintel.txt file, then what happened leads to this warning. 

Best Regards

DeJin Wang
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