[Bro] A little more confusion with Intel

James Lay jlay at slave-tothe-box.net
Wed Jan 31 15:21:58 PST 2018

Thanks Seth,

I basically modified this for bro use:


It's basically a list of domain names that have been newly registered.  
Does that help?


On 2018-01-29 09:14, Seth Hall wrote:
> On 22 Jan 2018, at 11:30, James Lay wrote:
>> It's actually the inverse of what I'm seeing.  In my tests if I have 
>> Intel::DOMAIN yahoo.com and I did a 
>> "dig [www.yahoo.com",](<http://www.yahoo.com",>) the domain intel 
>> would not match because the dns request was for "www.yahoo.com", not 
>> yahoo.com.  Does that make sense?  Thank you.
> Yeah, if we had a more comprehensive matcher for the intel framework
> then you'd have a lot of options open for you.  I suppose that my main
> point was that at the moment you will have to just include the exact
> domain that you want to match on.
> Do you have a large list where you'd like to watch for any hits on the
> effective second level domain like you're describing here?
>   .Seth
> --
> Seth Hall * Corelight, Inc * www.corelight.com

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