[Bro] Add a counter in a script (arp_main.bro)

Nicolas KRASINSKI krasinski at cines.fr
Mon Jul 30 08:25:01 PDT 2018


On the script arp_main.bro ( https://gist.github.com/grigorescu/a28b814a8fb626e2a7b4715d278198aa ), 
there is a part of code (line 216 to 228) can detect gratuitous arp (multiple is-at packet) : 

# Check if reply is unsolicited and get request record 
local request: Info; 
if ( [THA, TPA, SPA] !in arp_state$requests ) { 
request = new_arp_request(THA, SHA); 
request$unsolicited = T; 

NOTICE([$note=Unsolicited_Reply, $src=SPA, $msg=fmt("%s: request[%s, %s, %s]", msg, THA, TPA, SPA)]); 
} else { 
request = arp_state$requests[THA, TPA, SPA]; 
delete arp_state$requests[THA, TPA, SPA]; 
request$is_at = SHA; 

The problem is each time the script detect more than one arp packet (is-at), it send an alert : "unsolicited_reply" 
I would like to add a counter, after x 'is-at' packet, send an alert. 

Someone can help me ? 

sorry for my english 

thanks à lot! 


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