[Bro] redef LogExpireInterval with JSON log writer?

Seth Hall seth at corelight.com
Thu Mar 15 14:48:33 PDT 2018

On 15 Mar 2018, at 15:27, Drew Dixon wrote:

> Is a redef-able option for the log expire interval something that 
> might be added in a future version of bro?  Is there a way to do this 
> now that I'm just missing? Is LogExpireInterval only available for 
> broctl/broctl.cfg?  

What you set with broctl is just the global filter.  If you look at the 
json-streaming-logs package (link included below), you can see that I'm 
setting a custom rotation interval separately from the global default 
rotation interval.  If you are looking to duplicate logging, you're 
going to be doing something similar to what json-streaming-logs is 
doing.  I'm curious if json-streaming-logs doesn't do what you need to.  
It's possible that if what you need conceptually fits into that package 
I could just add it there.

 From how you described your problem, it sounds like json-streaming-logs 
might already do what you need?

Here's the link to how I'm setting a custom rotation interval for a log 
filter that I referenced above:


Seth Hall * Corelight, Inc * www.corelight.com

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