[Bro] Conn log shows massive file transfer inbetween normal browsing

Eric Hacecky hacecky at jlab.org
Wed May 16 12:25:13 PDT 2018

I'm having some anomalies in my conn.log.


Internal host on my network ( is browsing autotrader (

Inbetween normal bro logs for the related traffic, I have things like this showing up:

// conn.log
1524177777.577777	Ccq8hi7x7jIegYyKE7	63971	443	tcp	-	0.015780	1284714853	0	S0	T	F	0	Sa	1	48	1	44	(empty)

As I'm reading this, it shows my internal host sent ~1.2gigs of data in .015 seconds to this external host.

S0 for the conn_state "Connection attempt seen, no reply."

So bro thinks my host tried to send 1.2 gigs off-site but failed? (there are many more similar log entries for the same host)

Any ideas what can cause this?


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