[Bro] React based on Bro event (block/unblock connection)

Jon Siwek jsiwek at corelight.com
Thu Nov 15 09:02:35 PST 2018

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 11:38 PM Mohammed Alshaboti
<alshaboti.it at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to send Bro data (e.g. connection) to a backend python program on some events.
> I tried to use the netcontrol broker to communicate with an external
> python client like (https://github.com/bro/bro-netcontrol/tree/master/test
> ).
> But when I added event it crashed.

Can you provide more info?  e.g. exact code that you're trying.  Was
it bro or the python program that crashed?  Any other relevant output
or error messages?

- Jon

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