[Bro] Meaning of Various Acronyms in State Field of Packet

Azoff, Justin S jazoff at illinois.edu
Thu Sep 13 08:15:54 PDT 2018

> On Sep 13, 2018, at 9:34 AM, Lionel Levy <lionellevy25 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am looking at a dataset of features that was generated using Bro-IDS.   Can someone please explain the meaning of the various acronyms that could be sent in a state field?  I can guess some of them.
> CON    ....      Connected?
>  FIN    ......      Finished?
>  TIM   .......      ??
>  ECO  .......     ??
>  INT   ........     Interrupted?
>  RST  ........     Reset?
>  ECR  .........   Echo Reply?
>  URP  .......      ??
>  CLO  ........      ??
>   STA  ........      ??
>   ACC .........     ??

Are you sure those came from Bro?  Bro doesn't have a state field.. it does have a conn_state field, however
the possible values of that field are completely different from what you listed.

A google search for "CON FIN TIM ECO INT RST ECR URP CLO STA ACC" finds http://nsmwiki.org/Argus
which points to your data set being generated from Argus, not Bro.

Justin Azoff

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