[Bro] IP Whitelist for scan.bro

Dillon Murphy DMurphy at lfcu.com
Tue Sep 18 14:19:22 PDT 2018


How do I whitelist IPs for the scan.bro notice? I prefer to whitelist than suppress. I'm running my tests in try.bro.org.

I've tried:

module scanwhitelist;

export {

    const scan_host_ignore: set[subnet] = {} &redef;

    const scan_port_ignore: set[port] = { } &redef;

redef Notice::type_suppression_intervals += {
    [Scan::Port_Scan]    = 4hrs,

hook Scan::port_scan_policy(scanner: addr, victim: addr, scanned_port: port)
    if ((scanner in scanwhitelist::scan_host_ignore) || scanned_port in scanwhitelist::scan_port_ignore) {

And I have also tried this. Found it here: http://mailman.icsi.berkeley.edu/pipermail/bro/2013-April/005662.html

const external_port_scanners_whitelist = {, };
 hook Notice::policy(n: Notice::Info) &priority=10
       if ( n$note == Scan::Port_Scan && n?$src && !(n$src in external_port_scanners_whitelist) )
             add n$actions[Notice::ACTION_LOG];

What am I not getting?

Thanks you for your help!

Dillon Murpy

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