[Zeek] threat intel questions

Jan Grashöfer jan.grashoefer at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 04:22:44 PDT 2019

On 11/04/2019 03:57, Ambros Novak wrote:
> Is there a way to add meta.url and meta.desc to intel.log?

In theory there is but you have to keep in mind that multiple meta data 
records might be associated with a single indicator that matched. This 
is also why the sources field in intel.log is a set. See the following 
blog post for more details: 

> For Intel::FILE_NAME to work, does base/frameworks/intel/files.bro go in
> local.bro?

Scripts in base/ should be loaded by default. If you don't see hits on 
file names try to spot them in files.log first.

> Will Intel::FILE_HASH detect MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA256, imphash, and
> authentihash?
> Will Intel::CERT_HASH detect MD5 or SHA256?
> Will the intel frame detect part of part a URL or does only the full URL?
> Will "@domain.com" work in the Intel::EMAIL, or is it best to just remove
> the "@" and add it to Intel::Domain?

To understand how the different indicators work just have a look at the 
corresponding seen scripts: 

For example in case of Intel::FILE_HASH the file_hash event is used, 
which is triggered "each time file analysis generates a digest".

> Does meta.do_notice have to be set to T for an event to get logged into
> intel.log?

No. Setting do_notice to T will cause a notice to be generated. More 
info on notices can be found here: 


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