[Zeek] Zeek 2.6.1 - packet_filter - unable to filter out traffic

Konrad Weglowski konrad.weglowski at gmail.com
Tue Mar 5 11:38:23 PST 2019


I have added the following to local.bro in order to test filtering out
certain traffic from inspection:

redef restrict_filters += {
        ["Exclude Test"] = "not (src host and dst host and dst port 53)"

Bro restarts no problem but the filter is not taking effect. If I look at
packet_filter.log it is not showing up there either:

more packet_filter.log
#separator \x09
#set_separator  ,
#empty_field    (empty)
#unset_field    -
#path   packet_filter
#open   2019-03-05-19-16-49
#fields ts      node    filter  init    success
#types  time    string  string  bool    bool

I also tried adding the filter in broctl.cfg as per below:

broargs = -f 'not (src host and dst host and dst port

Argument would show up in the bro process list but again filter would not
take affect.

I have the same configuration in local.bro on another instance running Bro
v2.5.5 and it works. Below you can see output from packet_filter.log:

more packet_filter.log
#separator \x09
#set_separator  ,
#empty_field    (empty)
#unset_field    -
#path   packet_filter
#open   2019-03-05-19-09-48
#fields ts      node    filter  init    success
#types  time    string  string  bool    bool
1551812988.372400       bro     (ip or not ip) and (not (src host and dst host and dst port 53))  T       T

Do you know what could be the issue here?

Also is there another way of filtering out traffic? For example have a file
with bunch of BPF filters that could be passed on to Bro at startup instead
of modifying the local.bro file each time traffic needs to be excluded?

Thank You

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