[Zeek] Making Broker Optional in Script

Andrew Klaus andrew at aklaus.ca
Mon Nov 25 10:45:34 PST 2019


I have a Zeek script that I would like to add optional Broker functionality
to. I don't want it to be a requirement, so I'm adding run-time redef
options that can be toggled to enable/disable it.

Something like:
export {
    const broker_enable = F &redef;

@if (MODULE::broker_enable)
event bro_init()
  Broker::listen("", 9999/tcp);

When I attempt to add this line to my local.bro/zeek file after the @load
redef MODULE::broker_enable = T;

It won't override broker_enable and thus doesn't listen on the socket. I
assume that it's because the @load happens before the redef in local.bro,
and thus doesn't override when it checks for the @if ?

Is there a better way that I can do this? Like checking if Broker is
actually available?  I tried this, but it doesn't work either:
@ifdef (Broker)
print "Broker Enabled";

Thanks in advance,

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