[Bro-Dev] [Auto] Merge Status

Merge Tracker noreply at bro.org
Thu May 1 00:00:21 PDT 2014

Open Merge Requests

ID            Component    Reporter        Assignee        Updated       For Version  Priority    Summary
------------  -----------  --------------  --------------  ----------  -------------  ----------  -----------------------------------------------------------------
BIT-1189 [1]  Bro          Bernhard Amann  -               2014-04-27            2.3  Normal      merge topic/bernhard/ec-curve
BIT-1185 [2]  BroControl   Daniel Thayer   -               2014-04-25            2.3  Normal      topic/dnthayer/broctld-work [3]
BIT-1177 [4]  Bro          Bernhard Amann  Seth Hall       2014-04-21            2.3  Normal      SumStats dynamic updates do not work in cluster mode
BIT-1150 [5]  Bro          Robin Sommer    Bernhard Amann  2014-04-25            2.3  Normal      X509 updates
BIT-1141 [6]  Bro          Robin Sommer    Jon Siwek       2014-04-28            2.3  Normal      Investigate further improvements to file analysis performance
BIT-348 [7]   Bro          gregor          Robin Sommer    2014-04-30            2.3  High        Reassembler integer overflow issues. Data not delivered after 2GB

Open Fastpath Commits

Commit        Component    Author          Date        Summary
------------  -----------  --------------  ----------  ------------------------------------------------------------
636262d [8]   bro          Bernhard Amann  2014-04-30  Correct a notice for heartbleed. The notice is thrown correc
d7d5497 [9]   bro          Jon Siwek       2014-04-29  Improve/standardize some malloc/realloc return val checks.
4b059ea [10]  bro          Jon Siwek       2014-04-29  Improve file analysis manager shutdown/cleanup.

Open GitHub Pull Requests

Issue    Component     User        Updated     Title
-------  ------------  ----------  ----------  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#4 [11]  time-machine  mareq [12]  2014-04-10  When deleting connections hashtable, delete stored connections as well. [13]
#3 [14]  time-machine  mareq [15]  2014-04-10  Correct handling of Linux SLL header and VLAN headers. [16]
#2 [17]  time-machine  mareq [18]  2014-04-09  Query interval start/end is now taken into account. [19]
#1 [20]  time-machine  mareq [21]  2014-03-19  TM-16: Really skip VLAN header for indexing. [22]

[1]   BIT-1189                    https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1189
[2]   BIT-1185                    https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1185
[3]   broctld-work                https://github.com/bro/brocontrol/tree/topic/dnthayer/broctld-work
[4]   BIT-1177                    https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1177
[5]   BIT-1150                    https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1150
[6]   BIT-1141                    https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-1141
[7]   BIT-348                     https://bro-tracker.atlassian.net/browse/BIT-348
[8]   636262d                     https://github.com/bro/bro/commit/636262d86591251e08110074074b04331854bef9
[9]   d7d5497                     https://github.com/bro/bro/commit/d7d5497436f8b3bf6101adca4e1d2aa2c1113aa0
[10]  4b059ea                     https://github.com/bro/bro/commit/4b059ea15ac6bba0c5189532bc1c749ec066b1c6
[11]  Pull Request #4             https://github.com/bro/time-machine/pull/4
[12]  mareq                       https://github.com/mareq
[13]  Merge Pull Request #4 with  git pull https://github.com/mareq/time-machine.git topic/mareq/memory-leaks
[14]  Pull Request #3             https://github.com/bro/time-machine/pull/3
[15]  mareq                       https://github.com/mareq
[16]  Merge Pull Request #3 with  git pull https://github.com/mareq/time-machine.git topic/mareq/linktype-linux-sll
[17]  Pull Request #2             https://github.com/bro/time-machine/pull/2
[18]  mareq                       https://github.com/mareq
[19]  Merge Pull Request #2 with  git pull https://github.com/mareq/time-machine.git topic/mareq/in-memory-query-interval
[20]  Pull Request #1             https://github.com/bro/time-machine/pull/1
[21]  mareq                       https://github.com/mareq
[22]  Merge Pull Request #1 with  git pull https://github.com/mareq/time-machine.git topic/mareq/tm-16

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