[Bro-Dev] how to compile bro plugin at the same time as bro

Martina Balintova balint.martina at gmail.com
Fri Apr 7 03:11:23 PDT 2017

I would like to ask how to enable compilation and installation  of bro's
plugin at the same time as the rest of bro is compiling/installing. I would
like to enable redis plugin (but only this one) - so I copied over
BroPluginStatic.cmake into its cmake dir, but I am not sure how to call it
from main CMake.

For example  - when I included into CMakeLists.txt  (toplevel)
"CheckOptionalBuildSources(aux/plugins/redis Redis true) "
it was not finding eg plugin/Plugin.h or logging/WriterBacked.h

I can somehow hack it in - in the way as dynamic cmake suggest, but I would
like to know if there is neater way how to enable it.
Thanks for any help on this,
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