[Bro] Issues with DESTDIR support

Siwek, Jon jsiwek at illinois.edu
Mon Mar 12 12:17:51 PDT 2012

On 3/9/2012 8:17 PM, Hank Leininger wrote:
> It looks like the command that's failing is:
>    /usr/bin/cmake -E create_symlink /var/opt/bro/spool/broctl-config.sh /opt/bro/share/broctl/scripts/broctl-config.sh
Yeah, sorry, there was another place in InstallSymlink.cmake that does 
that at install-time.  I changed that to prepend DESTDIR if it's set.  
Can you pull from "topic/jsiwek/destdir-fix" again like you did before:

     for repo in `find . -type d -name cmake`; do (cd $repo&&  git pull); done

And let me know how it works out for you?

> so the symlink at
> /opt/bro/share/broctl/scripts/broctl-config.sh is dangling (could be a
> side effect of my manual hack?)
That's fine, the file is generated later by `broctl install`.


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